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"First Friday" Open Mics

The DWC’s series of online open mics will continue through 2024 on the first Friday of every even-numbered month.

7:00PM central time
- April 5th
- June 7th
- August 2nd
- October 4th
- December 6th

Held online via Zoom

The Driftless Writing Center will sponsor another year of “First Friday” online open mics. All members of the DWC community are encouraged to read their work and/or be part of the listening audience. Open mics typically feature fifteen readers, each reading for five minutes. Poets and prose writers are welcomed.

Occasionally, we’ll invite a “featured reader”—usually a well-known local or regional writer—to begin the program, to be followed by a limited roster of readers from the DWC community.

Look for an email message a couple of weeks before each event for specific details, including information on how to register to read and where to find us on Zoom.

All “First Friday” events are free, though donations to support this and other DWC programs are very much appreciated!

Contact for more information on signing up to read.

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