Online Reading Featuring Angie Trudell Vasquez, Madison’s Poet Laureate, and an Open Mic
Friday, October 9, 2020
7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Online using Zoom
Angie will read from her new book, In Light, Always Light (Finishing Line Press, 2020), followed by an open mic. Bring five minutes of writing to share.
Angela Trudell Vasquez received her MFA in creative writing with a concentration in poetry from the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and was a Ruth Lilly fellow as a Drake University undergraduate. Her work has been published in the Taos Journal of Poetry, Yellow Medicine Review, Raven Chronicles, Return to the Gathering Place of the Waters, and Cloudthroat, and appears on the Poetry Foundation’s website. She has new work forthcoming in RED INK: International Journal of Indigenous Literature, Arts & Humanities.