The Time is Now: Face the Page, Find Your Zone, Launch your First Paragraph with Matt Cashion
Saturday, April 29
1:00 pm - 3:00pm
Encore, 114 S. Main St., Viroqua
This workshop is full. To be added to the wait list, email us at driftlesswritingcenter@gmail.com.
This interactive workshop—intended for beginning and experienced fiction writers—will explore a few methods you can use to murder your internal critics and increase your own creative powers. Then we’ll explore a range of concrete literary techniques you can apply to write a compelling first paragraph that will inspire you to keep writing. By the end of the workshop, each participant will complete a draft of a first paragraph to be critiqued with nurturing eyes that will foster the confidence (dare we say the joy?) to complete your creative projects.
Fee: Sliding scale $20 - $65. (Scholarships are available. Contact us at driftlesswritingcenter@gmail.com for more info.)
This event and more are being offered at the Ridges & Rivers Book Festival! See the Ridges & Rivers Book Festival website for a full list of events.